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SisterPower International has been developed with the sole purpose of empowering women.

We have a very narrow and specialised aim in a market characterised by the presence of many NGOs. But as something unique, we are an organisation with a methodological foundation specialised in creating security in insecure environments through the involvement of networks and the local community's resources, strengths and competencies.

This method is unique and has a huge potential of reaching and helping the women that others cannot help.


A specialised knowledge of the work of stabilising severely and chronically traumatized people also forms the basis for our work and thus ensures a very high professional quality in the emotional work, which is otherwise in short supply in many of the areas where SisterPower International plans to establish projects.

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About Us: About Us


In order to keep our administration costs at a minimum, we rely greatly on volunteers. 
At the Denmark office we have two employees and a lot of skilled freelance volunteers.



Rikke is the Founder and Chairman of the Board at Sisterpower.

She is a social worker trined in safetyplanning, EMDR, SFBT and stabilization of chronically traumatized children.

To prevent violence against children, she is specializesd in to create safety for vulnerable children and young people against physical and mental violence, sexual abuse and other abuse as well as massive neglect.


She has worked with some of Worlds leading specialists in the field and her 20+ years of experience working with abused and severely and chronically traumatized people creates the foundation for The Empowerment Programme at SisterPower International.


+45 23844384



Marie is Head of Operations at Sisterpower.

She is a broadly skilled Communications specialist with the ability to think creatively and out of the box while managing projects and getting results.

She has created innovative and effective campaigns for some of the largest NGOs in Denmark and has a donor centric approach to marketing and fundraising combined with great digital and sales partnering skills.


She is currently studying for a Master's degree in Social Entrepreneurship & Management.


 +45 20105004

About Us: Meet the Team


About Us: Meet the Team

Dorthe is an accountant at Herlufsholms Kostskole and a former controller.
She is helping us with all the financial questions about running an NGO like SisterPower International.
Dorthe is passionate about helping people in need and this is why she is volunteering her time at SisterPower.



In addition to our Danish team we have a strong and competent board and a very visionary advisory board.



Bente Græbert-Tiide is the founder of Helhed & Harmoni and a trauma therapist, NARM master and SE practitioner. She has more than 20 years of experience as an independent therapist, working with individual clients, groups, businesses and public organizations. 

Her knowledge and expertise stem from areas such as substance abuse, eating disorders, PTSD, complex PTSD and intergenerational trauma. As a very skilled trauma therapist, she is working successfully with some of the vulnerable and traumatized people in Denmark.

Bente is very passionate about creating support groups for women supporting women and has many years of experience working with groups in healing processes. 



Niels Christian Barkholt is a social worker, cand.scient.soc and the founder-director of Social Talks – a non-profit organization established to create more and better impact in the social field by using new methodologies to do this. 

As a social worker Niels has more than 20 years of experience in the social work field. He has developed a highly specialized and comprehensive knowledgebase on violence and abuse against women and children, as he is a former chairman of LOKK - the National Organization for Women's Shelters and 

He is also the former deputy chairman of the Danish Social Workers' Association (2012-2018) and thus has solid trade Union knowledge and insight, a large network of stakeholders in the field and political experience and flair. In 2019 he ran for Parliament for SF in the last parliamentary election and is fighting a political battle to stop the increased social inequality in society and ensure better rights and conditions for the most vulnerable.

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Heidie Graversen is the Founder-Director of the NGO Børn og Unges Trivsel and is a psychotherapist with a specialization in stress and crisis therapy.

Heidie has more than 12 years of experience in cognitive therapies, stress management and trauma work and has dedicatedly worked with vulnerable families, at-risk youth and traumatized children and young people for many years now.

Her organization Børn og Unges Trivsel provides aftercare for young adults who have been in care in their childhood and facilitates transformative recovery and empowerment processes.

Heidie is a strong advocate for vulnerable and traumatized children and young people in the political system working to promote societal changes. 

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Sara is the founder of Solution Partners which provides solution-focused training, supervision and coaching for business, social enterprises and public organizations. 

She is a trained social worker, narrative family therapist, and solution-focused practitionerâ„¢, master level and has worked for over 20 years in development through social interventions with children, youth, and families.

For the past 10 years of her career, she has been engaged in leadership, with a particular focus on developing employees and organizations and has used this experience to develop a 1-year management training build on the spirit of co-creation.

About Us: Meet the Team




Arianne is a psychologist and systemic psychotherapist specializing in trauma. She lives in Australia and is today one of the world's leading experts in working with severely and chronically traumatized children.

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Sonja is a social worker and self-employed teacher, supervisor and consultant from Australia.
She is one of the world's leading experts in the method of safety planning and has written several method booklets for practitioners in the field of socially disadvantaged children, young people and their families.

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Sarah is the owner of Slipstop LTD and she has many years of experience as Sales and Marketing Manager in an international market while she is the daily manager of the company's employees. Sarah has a large international network of business people and potential benefactors, including in the countries where she resides, Luxembourg, England, Norway and France, respectively.



Nicolay is Senior Manager at Euler Hermes Danmark, where he works with credit- and risk analysis and relationship management, serving a portfolio of large corporate clients. He has many years of experience from the financial world – both in Denmark and internationally. His educational background is a Masters Degree in Business Management from the University of Aarhus.

About Us: Meet the Team
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